
  1. Are you getting started with Microsoft Teams? Use these steps to change the status settings according to your availability. On Windows 10, the Microsoft Teams app allows you to set a specific.
  2. Hej Magnus, I have similar request as you that hope this is an important feature MS team can enhance to planner, if it is to be designed to replace Trello. All I know is there is a 'last change by' under the task subject if it can solve the headache temporary, the changes tracking/history is so important especially in a Phrama company.
  1. Teams Activity Tab
  2. Teams Activity Tracker
  3. Teams Activity Log

With the new Microsoft Teams Activity Feed APIs now available in preview on Microsof t Graph, develop e rs can build and surface engaging, actionable content from their own apps in the Microsoft Teams Activity Feed. This can help ensure an app’s users are notified of and engaged with relevant activit ies. Microsoft Teams reset status. With Microsoft Teams, users can add a status message if they’re to leave their workstation. Using the settings you can even add a note such as “Gone for a walk” or “Gone to the shop”.

When a Microsoft Teams team is no longer needed, an owner can delete or archive it.

If you delete a team, it will disappear from your Teams client. When you delete a team, chats, channels and files and is also deleted. It will be retained on the backend of Office 365 for 30 days by default. This 30-day period is considered a “soft-delete” because an administrator can still restore the Office 365 group. After 30 days, the group and its associated contents are permanently deleted and cannot be restored.

An alternate is archiving a team.


How a team owner can archive a Microsoft Teams team

When you archive a team, the team (and files if you tick the option) become read-only. You and other members can still access it and view all the team activity in channels, files, and chats. You can also add or remove members and update roles.

Archived teams can also be reactivated by owners.

I can’t work out why, but the option to archive teams is not in the three dots right-click menu in the Your teams list


Teams Activity Tab


But, in the teams app, if you click the Manage Teams “settings” cog next to “join or create a team”, bottom right

All your teams will be shown:

Here you can click the three dots and Archive a team

The Team will be moved to “Hidden teams” and have an “archived icon”, channels also have a banner letting users know “This team was archived, so you can’t make any changes.”. You can also see who archived the team.

It will also show in the same “manage teams” section as Archived with the option to restore

Teams Activity Tracker

How an Office 365 Administrator can archive a Microsoft Teams team

Teams Activity Log

An Office 365/Teams Administrator can also Delete or Archive Teams from the Teams Admin Center (Short link: