
Under “Comments and ratings', choose your comment settings. Change default comment view. You can change how comments are ordered on your video’s watch page. You can order comments by top comments or by date added. Sign in to YouTube Studio. From the left menu, select Content. Click a video’s thumbnail. Select the More options. Use the COMMENTstatement to add a comment about a table, view, materialized view, or column into the data dictionary. To drop a comment from the database, set it to the empty string ' '.

Returns a list of comments that match the API request parameters.

Quota impact: A call to this method has a quota cost of 1 unit.

TOUCHMONKEY is a perspective in Contact Improvisation that has grown out of the dancing relationship between Carolyn Stuart and Patrick Gracewood over 30 years. They currently host 2 sessions/week and events throughout the year at Gracewood Studio / 4920 NE 55th / Portland, OR / 97218. Carolyn Stuart has been a devotee of Contact Improvisation. Secure Checkout. We use encrypted SSL security to ensure that your credit card information is 100% protected. Deluxe Edition of Contack, a 1939 Parker Brothers game, with chips, scorecard, triangle game pieces and instruction brochure. Also included, in wonderful condition, is an advertising brochure for other Parker Brother games of the era. Contact Improvisation With Touchmonkey. Yes, WE DANCE, ThanksGiving Weekend! November 23-25, 2018 Gracewood Studio / 4920 NE 55th / 97218. Contact Improvisation is a giving thing. If you are the most popular, does it mean that you are the happiest? What is more important, friendship or love? Can you consider someone a criminal judging by the public's opinion only? And does our conscience have an expiration date after which the misconduct should no longer be taken into account? Discover the answers by immersing yourself in a romantic story about life in a private school. Contactgames.

Common use cases

Therefore, comments are invited only on requirements not in bold font. For focused revisions, only the section(s) of the requirements being revised will be open for review and comment. Comments must be submitted electronically, using the form below, to the respective.




HTTP request


The following table lists the parameters that this query supports. All of the parameters listed are query parameters.

Required parameters
The part parameter specifies a comma-separated list of one or more comment resource properties that the API response will include.
The following list contains the part names that you can include in the parameter value:
  • id
  • snippet
Filters (specify exactly one of the following parameters)
The id parameter specifies a comma-separated list of comment IDs for the resources that are being retrieved. In a comment resource, the id property specifies the comment's ID.
The parentId parameter specifies the ID of the comment for which replies should be retrieved.
Note: YouTube currently supports replies only for top-level comments. However, replies to replies may be supported in the future.
Optional parameters
maxResultsunsigned integer
The maxResults parameter specifies the maximum number of items that should be returned in the result set.
Note: This parameter is not supported for use in conjunction with the id parameter. Acceptable values are 1 to 100, inclusive. The default value is 20.
The pageToken parameter identifies a specific page in the result set that should be returned. In an API response, the nextPageToken property identifies the next page of the result that can be retrieved.
Note: This parameter is not supported for use in conjunction with the id parameter.
This parameter indicates whether the API should return comments formatted as HTML or as plain text. The default value is html.
Acceptable values are:
  • html – Returns the comments in HTML format. This is the default value.
  • plainText – Returns the comments in plain text format.

Request body

Do not provide a request body when calling this method.


If successful, this method returns a response body with the following structure:


The following table defines the properties that appear in this resource:

Identifies the API resource's type. The value will be youtube#commentListResponse.
The Etag of this resource.
The token that can be used as the value of the pageToken parameter to retrieve the next page in the result set.
The pageInfo object encapsulates paging information for the result set.
The total number of results in the result set.
The number of results included in the API response.
A list of comments that match the request criteria.


The following table identifies error messages that the API could return in response to a call to this method. Please see the error message documentation for more detail.

Free Comment Sites

Error typeError detailDescription
badRequest (400)operationNotSupportedThe id filter is only compatible with comments based on Google+.
forbidden (403)forbiddenOne or more of the requested comments cannot be retrieved due to insufficient permissions. The request might not be properly authorized.
notFound (404)commentNotFoundOne or more of the specified comments cannot be found. Check the values of the request's id and parentId parameters to ensure that they are correct.


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Use the APIs Explorer to call this API and see the API request and response.