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Montgomery County Government is committed to the health and safety of all of our residents and to relying on science and data to make decisions regarding the three phases of reopening of our County.

The primary indicators that the County analyzes are:

  • Daily case rate (7-day average per 100,000 people)
  • Test Positivity Rate or Percentage (during the last 14 days)
  • Rate of Transmissions

Secondary indicators we evaluate are:

  • Percentage of change in new cases per 100,000 people (during the last 7 days compared with the previous 7 days)
  • Percentage of hospital inpatient beds that are occupied
  • Percentage of intensive care unit beds occupied
  • Percentage of hospital beds occupied by COVID-19 patients
  • Positive cases with Contact Tracking Attempts
  • Positive cases that have been interviewed
  • Close contacts to positive cases where contact has been attempted

These indicators determine whether activities such as social gathering sizes, restrictions on indoor capacity (restaurants, houses of worships, retail, etc.) and activities that are considered high risk based on contact tracing data will need to be rolled back in order to reduce the risk of transmission.

On October 23, 2020, the public-facing Montgomery County COVID-19 Dashboard methodology for monitoring COVID-19 related metrics was altered to align closer with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidance for Dynamic School Decision-Making. View the previous version of the Montgomery County COVID-19 Surveillance Dashboard.

See our Dashboard Methodology for detailed metrics criteria and calculations.


City Data Forum

See the State of Maryland Covid-19 Data Dashboard, including cases by ZIP code